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Soup Maker and blender: Soup Maker Plus SSB3U


  • 1 × Glass jar
  • 1 × Motor base
  • 1 × Product description manual

Fee: £ 4.00 per day

A deposit of £ 20.00 is due when this item is borrowed.

Location: Ilkley Thingery
Condition: B - Very Good
Brand: Cuisinart
Code: THNG-0581

Location: Shelf 4. A

$4 for 1 day loan
$10 for 2-3 day loan
$15 for 4-7 day loan.

Cuisinart Soup Maker Plus:

Soup maker for cooking and blending (hot and cold food)
Can heat and saute food

(Please be gentle when using the pulse function - don't over-use this in place of using a more suitable function).

User Guide:


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