Electrical Safety: Ilkley Thingery & You

What We Do.

All portable electrical Things in our library are PAT tested when they enter the library for the first time before they are borrowed. All electrical Things are then PAT tested after being returned to the Thingery after every loan,  before they are borrowed again. This schedule of PAT testing follows the Health and Safety Executives' guidance on maintaining portable electrical equipment that is available for hire.  

Your safety is very important to us - we would not supply any equipment that isn't electrically safe to use.

What You Need to Do.

When you borrow an electrical item from us, make sure you use it sensibly and safely, and that you know how to use the item before turning it on. You are responsible for your safety when using things you've borrowed from us.

If you notice any issues with an item you've borrowed from us, or if you damage some part of an item (by, for example, cutting through the cable - it happens), email erikashilling@climateactionilkley.org.uk with details of the issue(s) or damage, and report these issues when you return the item to the Thingery. 

Page last updated: 14/07/2024.
