Fee: £ 5.00 per day
A deposit of £ 10.00 is due when this item is borrowed.
location: shelf 11-b
£5.00 for 1-7 day loan
Transfer your old 35mm & 110mm film negatives or slides to your PC or laptop or digitally quickly and easily using the Veho smartfix 5 megapixel high resolution colour filmscanner. Now with built in Lith-Ion battery scanning your old memories to your PC is even easier and because the smartfix scanner scans to SD card you do not even need a PC or Mac.
product specification:
-5 megapixel high resolution full colour scanning
-true stand alone scanning
-one touch instant scan
-2.4" colour preview screen
-USB 2.0 Hi speed only
-Built in Lith-Ion battery for true stand alone scanning
-compact and small- desk space saver
-High quality 2 glass optic element
-fixed focus range and automatic exposure/clour balance
-built in Colourbright tech for more acurate colour conversion
-arcroft photo expression editing software included
-compatible with windows and mac