Fee: £ 2.00 per day
A deposit of £ 10.00 is due when this item is borrowed.
Location: 13. E.
£2 for 1-day loan
£5 for 2-day loan
£8 for 3-7 day loan.
Britax Romer Evolva 1-2-3 Car Seat
9 - 36kg/ 20 - 79lb or approx. 9 months to 12 years
Enhanced Side Impact Cushion Technology.
Product Support link: https://www.britax-romer.co.uk/car-seats/evolva-1-2-3/1350.html
A refundable deposit is now taken for all Things borrowed from the Thingery to cover cleaning fees. If you return Things in a clean condition, this deposit will be returned when you return the item. If the Thing(s) you borrow need(s) cleaning before it can be borrowed again, some or all of the cleaning deposit will be kept by the Thingery to cover cleaning.