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Gala Shade Pro Pop Up 50 Gazebo (Black), 3m x 3m

3 similar items. See all.


  • 1 × Gazebo (Metal Frame & awning)
  • 4 × Leg weights

Fee: £ 10.00 per day

A deposit of £ 50.00 is due when this item is borrowed.

Not available
Location: Ilkley Thingery
Condition: B - Very Good
Brand: Gala Tent
Code: THNG-0785

Location: Rear - Floor (Right).

The Pro 50 gazebo is built-to-last, with 50mm wide aluminium legs, full profile aluminium joints throughout and with the ability to withstand serious usage. Ideal for all users and applications.

£10 for a one day loan, £35 for a week-long loan.

A refundable deposit is now taken for all Things borrowed from the Thingery to cover cleaning fees. If you return Things in a clean condition, this deposit will be returned when you return the item. If the Thing(s) you borrow need(s) cleaning before it can be borrowed again, some or all of the cleaning deposit will be kept by the Thingery to cover cleaning.

This item has a larger deposit to cover insurance/ damages.

This item is not available for reservation online. Please contact us.
